The Sitecore Water Cooler Podcast: Building a Sitecore Team in The New Composable World

A composable technology stack comes with new development methods, languages, and different mindsets on how to approach companies and agencies that now have more opportunities than ever before. However, constructing a team's requirements and business objectives beforehand is just as important.

In this episode, our host, Jon Price talks with Sitecore Architect and multi-year MVP James Gregory and's Senior Project Manager Maggie Burke about how to prepare for a composable project. They also discuss ways to build the right team around that project for when development happens.

The focus lately by analysts, software companies, and current and prospective customers has been very technology focused. However, equally or more important is the business focus on how to actually construct a team that works around a composable ecosystem for implementing and maintaining the platform.

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Maggie Burke gives tips on how to build a successful Sitecore team

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About: For years, ‘water cooler talk’ has been a natural way for people in the workplace to come together and connect on common interest topics in what would otherwise be a formal environment; it boosts morale, improves culture and gets the creative juices flowing! Some of the best workplace ideas and conversations happen through face-to-face conversations around the ‘water cooler,’ so just as the name implies, The Sitecore Water cooler Podcast is a casual conversation between colleagues and peers centered around all things Sitecore. This podcast is an outlet for various Sitecore experts within the Sitecore community to have a meaningful discussion around the latest with Sitecore products, every day topics, challenges and successes associated with this top-of-line digital experience platform.  Each podcast episode will range in topic, but will be geared towards quick-hitting initiatives that affect how business is done today. Whether you’re a new Sitecore user, a Sitecore MVP, or just someone who wants to learn more about Sitecore technology and capabilities, then meet us at the watercooler!

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Bryan Winger is a Podcast Producer with He began his career in broadcasting back in Minnesota, producing for several radio stations and syndicated shows throughout the Twin Cities. He has over 5 years of experience in the broadcasting industry, before joining the team at He enjoys playing golf and hockey, watching football on Sundays, and producing music for fun.