How Google Analytics 4 Plans to Change the Data Game

Google Analytics is an all-in-one tool when it comes to tracking and reporting website traffic and is part of the Google Marketing Platform brand. Specific tools allow users to discover where their web traffic comes from, how users engage with their website, track demographics, and much more. There are also specific tools for improving and optimizing certain elements of a website to improve traction from advertisements.

It’s a “freemium” service which means that users are able to utilize a variety of tools without paying any fees. However, some services, mainly the more advanced services, are locked behind monthly subscriptions. With almost 30 million websites leveraging Google Analytics, the service stands an as extremely effective tool for tracking traffic and engagement.

The newest iteration in the Google Marketing Platform brand is Google Analytics 4 (GA4). This version is set to completely replace Universal Analytics, the world’s most widely-used analytics tool. As a matter of fact, Universal Analytics will be shuttered by July 1, 2023, which means websites have until then to transition tags and report settings to GA4.

This blog is designed to inform you about the changes that are coming with Google Analytics 4 and how it will change the data game as we know it. 

So, What’s New in GA4?

Google Analytics 4 mainly focuses on cross-channel data. Google has developed new tools to streamline the navigation of the analytics and to provide insights for its users. The biggest change is the focus of being able to track mobile and app traffic similar to the website tools.

Turning Away from Universal Analytics

Google is now using a new generation of measuring website traffic. Universal Analytics was Google’s previous property that focused on measuring traffic across multiple websites. What is new about Google Analytics 4 is the ability to track traffic on websites, apps, or both. Universal Analytics was only able to collect data on websites. As stated above, Google will be completely shuttering Universal Analytics by July 1, 2023.

Making Data Easier for Everyone

Google has taken measures to make its service easier to use. Many of the charts are easier to read and tools such as filters are much easier to navigate. Many of the resources require fewer clicks to get to and more relevant information is provided on the front page. Google Analytics 4 is still a free service and Google is creating a system that is accessible for anyone trying to track their website.

Google’s Insights

In addition to making the tools more accessible, Google has also added a new feature that practically answers questions for you. Google answers frequently asked questions such as, “How many new visitors this year” or, “On what days did I have the most traction?” Analytics can be overlooked at first glance, but Google wants to make sure the users of Google Analytics 4 understand the importance of analyzing data.

All in One Marketing Tool

Google Analytics 4 is how Google plans to future-proof analytics. The service provides enough tools that are easy for users to navigate and understand. Google created a free service that can be used to track multiple websites and apps which will continue to dominate in the data industry. Allowing users to track multiple streams of data proves that Google has created a flexible model that won’t leave anytime soon. 

Data is shaping how businesses are capturing their targets and increasing traction. continues to be ahead of the game, following how data is constantly evolving. If you are interested in learning more about how tracking your analytics can improve your website, or if you’d like to speak to a strategist about transitioning to Google Analytics 4, contact us today

Also be sure to check out this blog post to learn more about transitioning to Google Analytics 4.

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