Using Color Theory to Increase Customer Engagement & Sales Conversions

In modern web design, the use of color can be a language of its own. It is one of the more important and main components of web design. We now know that color can change the way we perceive design. Visitors can be influenced by color in many ways. Color can grab your attention, change your mood, lure you to information and bring about a variety of emotions.

Color theory is considered a science by many designers and while it may seem to feel complicated, it is not impossible to understand and master its potential. At its most basic level, color theory is the interaction of colors in a design through contrast, complementation and vibrancy. It can create harmonious combinations that can be applied to every aspect of the design.

Using color contrast to your advantage

Contrast can reduce your visitor’s eye strain and focus their attention by clearly dividing elements on the page. Readability is the most important aspect when choosing colors for your design, and a very distinct contrast between the text and the background on your page is essential for this.

Contrast can also draw your user’s attention to specific elements on the page while driving them to important conversion paths. This can create a similar effect as highlighting a text book. When you highlight a specific area of the page, you make that area of the page stand out and it draws attention and lets your visitors know it’s important.

How to create harmony and vibrancy

Harmony and vibrancy can strongly influence the emotion of the design. Each element you design and add to your website should match and compliment all the other elements. Color theory should be used as a set of guidelines and principles used to create harmonious color combinations that can be implemented throughout the design.

These theories are represented through various diagrams, color wheels, and triangles to aid designers in understanding and illustrating how colors interact with each other. Color psychology can show us how color can affect human behavior. Color is critical to our design process and our success depends upon how well we use it.

The influence color can have on design

Colors can help determine how your users will view or perceive your company’s branding and services. Color can be used as visual cues to help guide visitors into categorizing what they are viewing. Designers must understand what colors mean and what reactions they may evoke. This can help convey the right tone and message to help guide users to make an expected action.

Choose your color palette carefully

Color can create personality by setting a tone and mood for a website or brand. Using the wrong colors can easily misguide your users and possibly give them the wrong impression about the brand or service you represent. Color can have psychological and cultural effects. Use the color’s ability to dictate the mood and tone of the website.

Color can also help you make a statement when needed, giving designers the ability to emphasize design elements. This also can help provide cohesion and flow to guide the user along conversion paths.


In conclusion, the web is a very colorful medium, and much can be accomplished by using color in the right way, at the right time, and with the right audience. Understanding the influence of color can be a powerful tool when used correctly. With a basic knowledge of color psychology and theory, you can fine tune your designs to help maximize conversions.

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