Generally speaking, when companies create their websites, their goal is to increase brand awareness to ultimately bring in new business. When visitors come to a site, it should be extremely easy for them to find whatever information they need.
One of the simplest ways to measure how effective a website is at engaging visitors is by using the conversion rate. Conversions are when a visitor completes some type of desired action within the website they are visiting. Common examples of conversions including downloading files, making purchases, or setting up accounts. The conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors. The more effective a website is, the higher its conversion rate will be.
So, you may be wondering, “How do I improve the conversion rate of my website?,” and “How can I make my website more efficient?”
This blog post covers five tips to help you increase your website’s conversion rate.
Set Your Goals
This step is going to be unique for every website. What are your short-term and long-term goals? Are you selling products? Do you want people to sign up for a newsletter or share your content with others? Once you establish what you consider to be a conversion, or what you want people to do when they visit your website, you can set the framework for how to funnel potential customers or subscribers toward each specific goal.
Identify Areas to Focus
Identifying the proper areas to focus your effort on will have a massive impact on your conversion rate. A great place to start is by finding parts of your website that may generate a lot of traffic, but not a lot of conversions. If that page is improved, the higher the chance your conversion rate will improve.
Improve Navigation
One of the easiest ways to ensure that users will stay on your site is to improve site navigation. If a site is difficult to navigate, users will leave it to find another that is easier to use. Creating a fluid, easy-to- follow structure for your website will allow you to keep users engaged and provide them with quality information.
Promote Interaction
Websites that incentivize interaction with their users are more effective at engaging users. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 81% of users say that interactive content enhances a website’s ability to grab the reader’s attention. Additionally, 79% say that interactive content helps users better retain an organization’s message. Interactive content such as infographics, surveys, and quizzes can be used to help a user learn more about your organization.
Test Your Methods
As with just about anything, the best way to confirm the effectiveness of any changes you’ve made to your website is to test how well it performed in comparison with its older version. One of the most popular ways to check the performance of your new website is to conduct A/B testing. A process in which different visitors are shown different segments of a website to determine which is more impactful: the current website (A), or the modified (B).
Being efficient with your website’s existing traffic is an essential part of generating more revenue for your business. By improving site navigation, promoting user interaction, and optimizing high-traffic areas, your conversion rate can see a significant increase. is well versed in conversion rate optimization. We offer A/B Testing and User Experience Analysis to help increase your website’s traffic, and provide consistent ongoing reports analyzing your changes in your conversion rate. Click here to learn about how we can help you perfect your website and increase your conversions. Contact us today to get started.