Forest Preserve District of Will County
Redeveloped Site Implements Responsive Design, Improved Navigation and More Robust Functionality
The Forest Preserve District of Will County (FPDWC) is dedicated to protecting, conserving, enhancing and promoting Will County's natural heritage for the educational, recreational and environmental benefit of present and future generations. FPDWC was interested in redeveloping its website with the goals of implementing responsive design, improve navigation to be more intuitive, and to include more robust functionality to ease the communication process with its visitors.

“Our goal when we set out to redo our site – which was originally launched in 2009 – was to make the new site look completely different than a typical government website, and to be as user friendly as possible. By working with, we were able to come up with an end product that allows us to showcase all of our great content – from videos to photos to events – and easily change it out as needed, while making it convenient for people to navigate through the site. To say the new is a major upgrade is an understatement. We’d definitely recommend if you’re looking to create a visually stunning website.”

“Our goal when we set out to redo our site – which was originally launched in 2009 – was to make the new site look completely different than a typical government website, and to be as user friendly as possible. By working with, we were able to come up with an end product that allows us to showcase all of our great content – from videos to photos to events – and easily change it out as needed, while making it convenient for people to navigate through the site. To say the new is a major upgrade is an understatement. We’d definitely recommend if you’re looking to create a visually stunning website.”