Tips for Launching (or Relaunching!) a New Brand for Your Company

When it comes to business, a top priority should be staying relevant. One of the best ways to stay relevant is to periodically evaluate the need for a new brand or rebrand in your company. Sounds simple, right? Not exactly. Truthfully, a relaunch can go south all too quickly if your company isn’t thoughtful in its reinvention.

Here are some valuable tips and tactics to keep in mind during your relaunch:

1. Timing is key

Before you even begin to plan your relaunch, consider the timing. This is the first most important decision when choosing when (or if) to rebrand. It’s vital to choose a time that is right for all stakeholders involved. This includes not only your clients, but also your employees. Be sure you’re ready for a relaunch internally before you push it out to clients.

Also consider the timeline of the relaunch. Raising awareness of the rebrand is one of the keys to success, and it takes careful planning. Allow time for your company to make announcements, send out press releases, and post on social media leading up to the date of the relaunch.

2. Be intentional in the changes you make

When rebranding, be careful not to do too little or too much. It’s important to find a healthy medium—change enough that a relaunch is purposeful and necessary, but don’t pull the rug out from under your current customers. Finding the proper balance can be a difficult feat, but the scale of every rebrand is entirely unique to every company.

Some suggestions for a rebrand include designing a fresh logo, making strong changes to brand values and philosophy, and updating company procedures. Aesthetic changes are valuable and oftentimes necessary, but should be paired with changes or updates in the substance behind your company.

It is key that even with a rebrand, your brand(s) stays cohesive and current.

3. Make sure you stay loyal to your current clients

When rebranding and relaunching, keep your current clients in mind. Improve upon what they expect from you, but don’t entirely change it. Their business is with you because they have established a relationship, so don’t give them a reason to leave. A good way to make clients feel cared for and to keep their business is to engage them in the rebrand. By simply asking what changes clients would like to see, they will feel included and heard, and the relationship with your client will be strengthened. The goal of your rebrand is likely to expand business, not to change your target market. Keep this in mind throughout the planning of the relaunch.

Moreover, it is essential to assist clients during the actual transition of brands, especially if your relaunch includes changes in technology or procedure. The rebrand should require almost zero effort from customers—it falls on your company to keep good communication with clients and to assist them in every way possible through this transition. This can include something as simple as e-mail updates of changes being made or, on a larger-scale, hosting a forum that allows clients to ask any questions they may have. Actions needed truly depend on the individual company, the scale of the rebrand, and the clients involved.

Ultimately, planning a rebrand and relaunch is important, but proper execution is far more critical. Executing a rebrand is a daunting task, but many companies, like Apple, Burberry, and Target, for example, have successfully rebranded at different points. Many lessons can also be learned from rebrands that didn’t go so well, like Radio Shack attempting to rebrand to The Shack, or Gap’s attempt to change their logo-- which you likely never even knew because the companies reverted back to their original name and logos very quickly. When planning your rebrand, keep in mind the timing, the need for change, and your clients in order to be successful. has helped countless organizations with successful rebranding and we’re here to help your company if a rebrand is on the horizon.

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