Modern Marketing Messages Podcast: How Do You Know if it’s Time for a Website Redesign?

Websites are meant to be fluid. As technology and business processes continue to evolve, your website should evolve along with it. If it doesn’t, it may actually be hurting your business. This begs the question — how do you know it’s time for a website redesign?

To help answer this question, our host, Taylor Karg, sat down with Mike Goliber, Vice President of Client Engagement at This episode covers what it means to redesign your website, what results business owners should hope to achieve, how do you know if you should redesign or rebuild your website, and so much more.

Start listening on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. You can also watch the podcast taped in the Studios on YouTube. 

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About: The Modern Marketing Messages discusses the latest and greatest in both online and offline marketing tactics, strategies, and trends. We take a deep dive in to anything and everything marketing, speaking to the best and brightest minds in technology and marketing. Episodes will cover different areas of focus, from advanced SEO to paid search, personalization to influencer marketing and everything in between.

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About the Author

Taylor Karg


Taylor Karg is’s Marketing Content Writer. She graduated from the University of Missouri with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism. Over the years, she’s gained experience writing for B2B brands across a variety of industries. Taylor prides herself on her ability to tell a story – and having fun while doing it. When not interviewing or writing, Taylor can be found eating tacos and watching the latest Netflix, Hulu or HBO series.