Working with HubSpot Call to Action (CTA) is easier than ever with Sitefinity’s Embed Code widget, part of Feather. Here are the four simple steps that will make the HubSpot CTA work on a Sitefinity page:
Place the HubSpot Call-to-Action HTML code on a page using the Content Block widget.
Place the HubSpot JavaScript either on the page or on the template if more pages are based on a common template. Note this JavaScript is not specific to the Call to Action widget. It’s important to choose ‘Before the closing body tag’:
Next, use the ‘embed code’ widget to place the HubSpot JavaScript, which is specific to your portal. In the following example, note that the
is the portal ID and will change based on your portal:script type=text/javascript id=hs-script-loader async defer src=//
Finally, add the HubSpot JavaScript, which is specific to the Call to Action (CTA). In the example below, note there is a portal ID and the CTA’s form guide ID:
script type=text/javascript hbspt.cta.load(123456, f46c693f-bcc5-4de9-a954-db20ad916633, {}); /script
We have helped many of our clients implement HubSpot CTAs with Sitefinity. We have also imported HubSpot blogs to Sitefinity using the HubSpot API. We are happy to help you! Contact Us.