CUNA M&BD Council Conference Cancelled: Finding Value in What You Missed

Due to concerns over COVID-19, the CUNA Marketing & Business Development (M&BD) Council Conference, previously set to take place from March 15th – March 18th in Orlando, has been postponed until further notice.

Each year, the conference brings together top professionals to discuss relevant strategies and trends surrounding the credit union industry. Sessions this year included methods to increase usability of your credit union’s site, how to build a digital marketing strategy, and ways to use digital to attract and retain new members. The cancellation of the 2020 CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council Conference means that many will be unable to take advantage of the valuable insights that this event can offer. To help you stay engaged and plan out success for your credit union, we have curated a list of resources below.

How to Become ADA Compliant

Accessibility and ADA compliance is becoming a hot topic, and for good reason. 1 in 4 Americans have some sort of disability according to a CDC report and having an accessible site can help you avoid legal entanglements, which have been on the rise. As a community financial institution, credit unions have a unique dedication to serve their members. If members with disabilities can’t properly utilize their credit union’s website, they could be missing out on important services that they need to function in daily life.

To learn about the best practices for web accessibility and to see how making your site accessible could actually improve your SEO, download our Web Accessibility Eaglevision Magazine.


Transforming Your Credit Union Website to Attract and Retain Members

When it comes to making your website engaging to members, you’ll likely want to make some changes but it can be hard to know exactly what to optimize. A/B testing procedures can uncover a wealth of knowledge about your site’s user flow and allow for a trial and error method of determining which improvements will best lead to success.

Read this blog to get a step-by-step look at how to A/B test your credit union’s key conversion touch points and learn how to thrive in the era of optimization.


Email Automation Tips and Tricks

Email marketing, combined with proper strategic planning, is one of the most effective ways to reach and engage with your members, especially today.

Take a look at these 10 Email Automation Tips, Tools and Tactics for 2020 to ensure your email campaigns are delivering results at the most important stages of the sales funnel, along with practical advice that works for total beginners as well as email marketing pros.


Looking for more? Read about recent Credit Union and Financial Industry Success

See how a user-centered redesign led to 3x more account openings for Hughes Federal Credit Union.

Learn why a strong digital marketing strategy was key to driving $1.7 Million in new accounts in one month for Sunflower Bank.

Read about Consumers Credit Union’s 141% improvement in “Apply Now” clicks from a data-driven A/B testing process.

Take a look at even more of our clients through our portfolio page here.

The coronavirus has transformed much of our day-to-day lives but digital experiences can step in where in-person experiences can’t. As you plan out your credit union’s tactics for the next few months, consider ways to create a better user experience for your “digital branch.” Contact one of our experts, we’re here to help.

About the Author

Alice Skiba


Alice Skiba is the Tradeshow Manager and a Marketing Communications Specialist at She has 10+ years of experience implementing, managing, and executing marketing strategies in the fast-paced technology industry.

Outside of work, Alice enjoys all things pop culture, following the latest tech trends, traveling, and spending time with her husband and 2 young daughters.