Best Practices for Engaging Podcast Content

Editor’s note: This is the third in a series of articles about business related podcasting.

You have the format set and a general idea of what your podcast is going to be about. You may be ready to record your first, second and third episodes, have the interviews lined up, and a set of topics ready to be dissected. But what is the point of recording an episode that doesn’t practice the guidelines that produce a good podcast?

Anyone can make a podcast, but not everyone can make an engaging one where your listeners come back for more, episode after episode. Here are six best practices to implement as you produce your podcast to make sure your content is engaging.

1. Smaller pieces of the bigger puzzle

When deciding on the format of the podcast with its content structure, the intros, outros, taglines, and jingles are necessary secondary pieces you’ll want to spend time nailing down. Each episode needs an introduction as well as an “outroduction.” An outro in a podcast can be short and must encompass the thank yous, the follow up information for people to catch up on, and credits to the people behind the episode.

Additionally, every podcast – and thereby each episode – should have a tagline with an accompanying theme song or jingle that will set the stage for the rest of the show.

A tagline should be witty and give a general understanding of what the overall podcast is about ­­– not the episode specifically. The episode introduction should include a quick nod to the host and speakers as well as elements of what is going to be discussed.

Through the tagline and the introduction, you can weave in a tune or sound bed that will define every introduction of each podcast episode. The jingle of your podcast serves a similar function as the eyebrows on your face – they frame your show just as eyebrows frame your face. Try envisioning your face without your eyebrows – it is not the best look.

2. Consistency and frequency

Create a posting schedule and follow it. Depending on your resources, you may decide to publish either:

  • Everyday
  • Every week
  • Biweekly
  • Monthly
  • All at once (if it is a limited series podcast)

Considering how long it takes you to produce an episode from start to finish, set a turnaround timeline. With this timeline, you can set sub-deadlines before your publishing deadline.

Podcasts that don’t publish on a consistent basis nearly always lose the trust of their audience. The consumers have expectations and setting a publishing schedule sets them up to look forward to the next episode and more content. This method also creates a sense of community.

3. Storytelling

The biggest and probably the most important piece of creating good content is nurturing good storytelling skills. In our normal day to day conversations, we tell stories to each other without putting much thought into it. Unlike real world conversations, podcasts can be skipped or faded out if it is not compelling and impactful. Therefore, the way we talk and tell the stories matters greatly.

Even with a basic interview style podcast, someone is telling a story – or at least needs to be. And if that story is told well, your audience will stick with you. While you have a story to tell, craft it and make it worthwhile.

4. Quality audio

This doesn’t go without saying: a podcast is all audio and if your audio isn’t good, your podcast isn’t good. Your listeners cannot engage with your podcast if it has beeping cars, a nose whistle or a puffy sounding microphone hitting teeth accompanied with it.

Invest in good microphones, wear headphones, hire an editor or learn to edit, and record in a quiet soundproof space – even your closet can work wonders with all the insulation. 

5. Invite speakers/experts

If your podcast is not interview based or doesn’t include different speakers, it might be beneficial to bring in fresh voices every now and then. The speakers or experts can help provide unique perspectives to the topic and the episode that will engage your listeners. If your expert is an expert in the field of the topic, the credibility of your podcast also increases.

These fresh voices can also be used to boost the reach of your podcast when they share the episode with their circles. 

6. Remember, it is not all about you

It is about your audience. You are making a podcast for others to listen to and not necessarily for the sole purpose of your business. Therefore, your podcast is for your audience. When curating each episode, keeping the thought that it is being made for someone else will help in directing your episode strategy. What will my audience be interested in knowing about this topic? What is the key to this episode? What will pique their interests?

When you know your audience, you will be able to relate to them. With the audio medium being so intimate, it is crucial to use words that correspond directly to your listeners. It is your voice, their ears, and nothing else. While you have their attention, make every minute worth it.

Implementing and keeping these practices will help any podcast establish a loyal listenership. With a loyal listenership, you can expect to see the growth of your podcast. In the next article, we will explore ways to boost growth with promotional tips.

Need more information on where to start with a podcast for your own business? Contact and we’ll help you get started!

Next up: How to promote and grow your podcast?

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