Web Accessibility Survey Collects and Shares Users’ Insights, web accessibility experts and active participants within disabled communities, recently sponsored a Web Accessibility Survey. The goal of the survey was to better understand the needs and experiences of all Internet users through carefully curated questions.

The Web Accessibility Survey collected over 1,200 responses from individuals with diverse perspectives and accommodation needs. The survey outreach focused on online disability communities like those on Reddit and Discord.

“We believe that digital accessibility best practices are foundational to the overall usability of websites,” Nick Goodrum, Director of Accessibility for, said. “This Web Accessibility Survey has provided very important data and perspectives to advance inclusive digital solutions.”

To discuss the survey in further detail, Goodrum is presenting at M-Enabling, a conference and showcase, held October 15-17, for the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict) in Washington, D.C.

To learn more about the Web Accessibility Survey, read the full press release here, or visit For more information about and its extensive range of digital services, including accessibility assessments, consulting, and remediation, please contact us at [email protected].