Celebrates Fourth Sitecore Hackathon Title

For the fourth time in five years, is thrilled to celebrate its Sitecore practice team for winning the 2023 Sitecore Hackathon. “Soar with Sitecore,” one of two competing teams, claimed the title by creating a migration tool to help legacy Sitecore clients migrate to XM Cloud.

The Sitecore Hackathon is a community-driven event organized by Sitecore enthusiasts around the world. Each year, participants are asked to develop and code a digital project using Sitecore’s core features in just 24 hours. The 2023 Hackathon featured 91 teams from 23 countries.

This year’s competitors had to build and submit a module for one of the following ideas:

  1. Best enhancement to SXA (Sitecore Experience Accelerator) Headless
  2. Best enhancement to XM Cloud
  3. Best migration module to move from XP (traditional) to XM Cloud/Content Hub One/Headless CMS’s winning team took on the challenge of elevating and streamlining the customer migration path from legacy Sitecore to XM Cloud. Members of the team included Sitecore Architects Alex Lentz and Jeremy Haun and Sitecore Web Developer Szymon Dabrowski. The other participating team, “Bring Back the Hack,” comprised of Sitecore Technical Managers James Gregory and Ahmed Okour, and Developer Vai Staugaitis.

The idea for Soar with Sitecore’s winning solution was divulged from the steps developers generally take when migrating from Sitecore XP to XM Cloud/Sitecore Headless. There is often a focus on the migration of content as something that can be done using a tool or script, assuming that the code has to be rewritten manually. If developers were able to export or convert code automatically, it may lighten that lift. This specific challenge is one that most Sitecore clients will face in the future – and the product Soar with Sitecore created can help solve those roadblocks.

“The purpose of the Scriban to React module is to make the migration from Sitecore XP to Headless easier,” Haun explains. “When a Sitecore site is implemented using the SXA, the components are often built using Scriban templates. The Scriban to React module allows developers to select those templates and export them to React components which can then be used in a Sitecore Headless implementation. Converting the templates is normally a manual process that involves rewriting all of the code. This module can enable developers to do that conversion much more quickly during a migration process.”

The Hackathon win is another notch in’s Sitecore practice belt. With the members of Soar with Sitecore’s combined experience of over 25 years, they’re dedicated to creating modules each year that solve real-life customer situations and challenges. In the long run, their solutions end up being intelligent concepts to build on for future use and implementations.

“I think that’s why we’ve won for so many years in a row,” Maggie Burke, Sitecore PMO, says. “Our Hackathon teams are consistently building solutions to legitimate challenges that our customers are facing or that we’ve come across in real-world project situations.”

The team members of Soar with Sitecore are proud of their achievement and looking forward to future opportunities to utilize the module. 

Having completed more than 1,000+ project implementations across North America, United Arab Emirates, and more, is an original Sitecore Platinum Implementation and Hosting Partner. To learn more about’s Sitecore capabilities, visit the Sitecore Consulting and Website Development page.