Chicago Tribune Interviews Ryan McElrath about Issues
DES PLAINES, IL – October 28, 2013 – CTO Ryan McElrath was featured in this Sunday’s Chicago Tribune in an article that discussed the issues, both current and future, with the site launch. Launched October 1, offers the public a digital center to sign up for the healthcare initiative commonly referred to as Obamacare, but has been plagued with issues since launch.
In the article, McElrath explains the likely cause of the site’s problems. "A lot of times, when something looks like a capacity issue, people say, well, we'll add more servers," said McElrath. "That's a knee-jerk reaction. With cloud technology today, you can quickly scale up and add more servers. … It's probably more of a programming issue, the functionality of the databases and how some of these systems work together. But if the programming isn't optimized, sometimes it gets to the point where you can't add enough servers. There's a bottleneck, and one little change that you make could add so much more scalability to what you're doing."
The Tribune article also explains that the poor launch of the site has caused less visitors to visit the site, and moving forward, citizens may lose faith in the healthcare system before it even begins.
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