O'Melveny & Myers LLP (OMM)
Integration of Translation Service Allows for a Diverse Client Base Across the Globe
O'Melveny & Myers LLP (OMM) a dominant figure in the international law firm industry has been in business for over 131 years. Being an esteemed law firm, O'Melveny and Myers needed a website that was rich with content that had the ability to reach potential customers across the globe. Americaneagle.com implemented the Sitecore Content Management System (CMS), as well as features that are pertinent to O'Melveny & Myers success. With such a diverse client base that spans the globe, Americaneagle.com integrated a translation service that allows the page to be translated to Japanese, Korean, and Chinese furthering O'Melveny & Myers to reach to new non English speaking markets. In addition Americaneagle.com also enforced key features such as; testimonials, slideshow, news...